Sprouted Lentil Salad in Endive

Endive Salad
  1. Endive
  2. Sprouted Lentils*
  3. Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  4. Cucumber (peeled or not)
  5. Red pepper
  6. Red onion
  7. Artichoke hearts
  8. Capers
  9. Extra virgin olive oil
  10. Salt & pepper
How to Sprout lentils
  1. Soak lentils in bowl of water overnight. You may need to add water after first hour so they are floating again (they absorb a lot). Rinse and drain in the morning. Return to the glass bowl making sure to spread the lentils out (along the sides of the bowl) so they are in a single layer (for the most part) and place on counter with a mesh cloth or paper towel over the top.
  2. At the end of the day, move the lentils around to make sure they all stay moist (not too wet). If they are getting dry, re-rinse and return to bowl. Within 24 hours you will see the "tail" emerge. You can allow them to sprout longer or not. I tend to sprout for 48 hours. Once done, transfer the sprouted lentils to a glass jar and refrigerate until you are ready to use/cook.
Making the filler
  1. Cook sprouted lentil for several minutes in boiling water or broth, just to soften (not too long). Meanwhile, chop cucumber (removing most of the seeds to prevent the salad from getting soggy), red pepper, red onion, artichoke hearts (from a jar soaked in oil or water).
  2. Combine all chopped ingredients in a mixing bowl. Toss in capers, garbanzo beans (canned organic or homemade, soaked/sprouted) and the lentils once they are cooked and strained.
  3. Fill your Endive leaves with filler.
  4. Drizzle with olive oil, balsamic, salt and pepper to taste.
  1. My cooking rules are different than baking rules... no measuring!
  2. Cooking should feel "customized" to your preferences. If I list the ingredients, then you can cut, shop, cook the amount you like and combine. If I include an ingredient you don't like, make a swap. All my recipes are simple and easy to adjust. Serving size depends on how much you eat or who you're feeding. For example, if my kids take some for lunch (small portion) vs my husband whose 1 serving really equals 4 servings, then the number of "servings" varies.
Kathleen https://kathleendichiara.com/